Court reporter pay

How much do court reporters really earn? Here is a random sampling of some of the most recent checks we've written to reporters. While no specific reporter or case information is given, you can see what ZIP code the reporter lives in as well as an itemization of the job.


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 90742

$519.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$481.50 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$471.75 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$350.00 - Reporters Appearance
$350.00 - Certificate of Nonappearance


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 92143

$375.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 91504

$450.00 - Reporters Appearance


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 91354

$500.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 84663

$550.00 - Reporters Appearance


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 92011

$570.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 94597

$597.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 96001

$75.00 - Certified Copy
$527.50 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 89107

$238.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$150.00 - Reporters Appearance
$230.00 - Transcript of Proceedings


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 92627

$400.00 - Reporters Appearance


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 90042

$1,140.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 90039

$468.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$450.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$450.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 95355

$440.50 - Original and Two Certified Copies
$350.00 - Certificate of Nonappearance
$375.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies


Check date: 3/28/2025
Reporter's ZIP: 93286

$919.00 - Original and Two Certified Copies

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

  Comment by Christine | Thursday, March 11, 2010
I love this post! Thanks so much for the encouragement as a court reporting student. The visualization of those dollar amounts sure help! :)

- Christine

  Comment by Todd | Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Christine, would you mind posting a link from your blog over to my site?
  Comment by Christine | Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sure, thanks! :)

STENO NERD: Future court reporter in the making!

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