How To Find Demographic Information For Your Law Firm

Recently I stumbled upon a pretty cool website for gathering demographic information about a website and/or keywords. And why exactly would you want to know that kind of information? The rationale goes like this:

  • You can know who your clients are...
  • If you know who your clients are, you can serve them better...
  • If you serve your clients better, they will tell their friends...
  • If your clients tell their friends, you law firm can make a lot of money.
The site I'm talking about is a beta project developed by Microsoft for their adCenter Labs. They call it demographic prediction and it comes with a few disclaimers (of course):
The tools shown on the adlabs website are not yet in production; they are demos or prototypes of tools that we might include as production adCenter tools in the future. Additionally, the tools do not provide or display conclusive results; rather, they are designed or produce anecdotal information that might indicate a trend or behavior that seems pertinent to an individual advertiser. Finally, the information and results presented here are based on a sampling of real audience data, and are designed only to demonstrate a proof of concept.
Still, even with the above jargon, I think the tool is really quite useful and interesting. For example, if I wanted to gather demographic information regarding court reporting. I would simply type in court reporting and click the button to receive the following chart:

Or if I wanted some specific stats on the visitors to my website, I could search for and get the following:

You might be able to add value to your law firm by running demographic tests like I've done. Would it be valuable to know the gender and age distribution for a potential market or website? I think absolutely. Have fun :)
Friday, August 31, 2007

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

  Comment by andymark | Thursday, March 21, 2019
Thanks for posting such good content

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