(Part 13) 3 Things You Absolutely Must Do To Get a Raise

These are things you should avoid when asking for a raise from you boss:

  • Don't Get Upset
    If you think you might get emotional, then please practice with a friend. The more unemotional and coherent you are when asking for your raise, the better.
  • Don't Get Personal
    Never ever draw attention to whatever turmoil you are facing in your personal finances. This is unprofessional and irrelevant. This tactic may pull at your boss's heart strings, you will do yourself a favor by not bringing up your personal budgeting crises during a raise review.
  • Don't Threaten To Quit
    Even though the specter of not receiving this raise may cause you to consider looking for new employment, do not mention this issue during your raise review. Nobody - and I mean nobody - wants to feel threatened and certainly you do yourself a disservice if you go there. Your chances for a raise diminish with ever subtle threat you make. Stay away from this practice!
  • Don't Worry About Them
    Don't deny yourself the possibility of getting a raise by assuming that the firm does not have the resources to provide one for you. Make the ask! As a court reporting firm owner, I know that money is there for the important things - like keeping reporters happy and doing marketing. Your firm is no different. If you are making a valuable contribution to the firm's profit line, you should be rewarded.
(If your position does not add to the bottom line, then you need to quickly find ways that show your value - pronto!)

Every business has a budget. And every budget has limits. But it is not your job to second guess or assume what your firm's budget is. Make the ask! There is absolutely no harm in asking for the raise and demonstrating to your boss your value so that when the budget increases do come, you are #1 on the list for a raise.

(If you firm is not doing so well, it may be time to look for a new job!)

…to be continued…
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

  Comment by big joe | Thursday, January 7, 2010
ya tried dis once. i said i was goin to quit and he said wel quit den eh? it aint my problem. so i quit.

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