Reporting Page Rates Too High?

A fellow Deposition Reporters Association board member brought up the following interesting anecdotal evidence regarding the price of copier paper:

I performed this price comparison regarding the purchase of paper.  Thought you might be interested in the numbers:

  • In 1998, I was paying $17.90 for a box of paper (10 reams)
  • In 2009, I am paying $33.28 for a box of paper (10 reams)

    That's close to 100% increase over 10 years!

And then the next logical question is this: Have reporting page rates changed that drastically over the past 10 years? 

Not in my wildest dreams.  What are your thoughts?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

  Comment by Christine Cutrone | Monday, January 18, 2010
Hi, I live in New York. I`m a freelance court reporter. I`m thinking of entering real time status. Right now I do hook up to a computer, but it`s just my computer. I have been changing my dictionary to fewer strokes so I can take on more speed. What is the going rate these days for real time reporters, if you know, in the New York area

  Comment by Todd Olivas | Monday, January 18, 2010
Hi, Christine. Real time reporters typically get an extra $1.00 - $2.00 per page on top of their normal page rate.
  Comment by Diane | Friday, May 25, 2012
I wish page rates had increased 100% in 11 years in Texas. It has taken over 35 years for page rates to increase 100%.

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