These stories might help...
You're doing your best to manage your life. You're juggling normal life -- health, family, finances -- all while dealing with an unprecedented global pandemic.
It's honestly a lot. Heroic, actually.
So I thought this week I'd gather up some stories from industry folks -- just like you -- and read how they're managing. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do:
Stacey Gunn | Assistant Vice President
Since working from home during the Coronavirus Pandemic it has been challenging and a blessing. The challenging part is I’m cooking a lot which means I’m eating a lot.
It also seems I’m working more hours than I usually would if I was going into the office. So, I’m not getting as much exercise as I would if I was going into the office or shopping at the mall on my lunch breaks.
But, the blessing is I’m spending a lot of time with my family, my new rescue dog, and feeling blessed that my family and friends are all good.
Jeff Adelson | General Counsel & Co-Managing Partner
I am gratified by the relationships I have developed with my colleagues, adversaries and clients during this time. We all seem to have put away our differences and are having honest and direct conversations about resolution of issues.
I enjoy having the time and quiet environment to truly concentrate on my work. Most of all I look forward to the regular Zoom meetings with the other members of my firm.
I think of ways to help people and hope to find kindness in all I do and encounter. I think about how wonderful it will be to put things back together but do it better this time.
Angel Guerra-Chagolla BA, MA, SIP, WCCA | Founder
The Professional FIRM
COVID-19 has created changes for all -- including myself. The Pro FIRM has been an educational events company creating opportunities for business women to commune in kindness, enjoy a meal and make new friends. Unfortunately, this is currently impossible and I’ve been giving consideration to how I can create safe and fun interactive events to support ladies. While I understand that many are ready to exit the quarantine it’s important to think of safety and the health of all. As a positive, the slower pace has allowed me to enjoy time with my children.
Stephanie Fiorito | VP
As a working mom in a leadership role, life has required constant adapting and pivoting both in the workplace and at home. It has been tough but in the past two months I have learned it’s important to find the silver linings on a daily basis and focus on what you can control. Otherwise you’ll get stuck in a negative spin cycle.
Kurt Lajoie | Claims Manager
Since this virus went down, not much has changed for me in terms of my day-to-day work. Other than I have my family with me at all times and now we can now add being a teacher to the resume. We have been fortunate to work from home four (4) days a week dating back a decade or so.
What’s affected me the most -- and the mental game struggle is -- with my two young daughters. School. Sports. Friends. Life. Just ripped away from them in the blink of an eye. My girls and I are all extroverts too. Yeah! That struggle we all have being on lockdown is legit. Small children don’t understand why this is happening or why life can’t go on. As a family, we continue to put God first. We have all grown in our faith even more than before and continue to put all our faith and trust in Him. As a family we feel He is telling us to slow down in life. Enjoy our time together and watch the Lord continue to work in us. #blessedalldayeveryday #COVIDcantkeepusdown
Last but not least, I've released a new episode of the TOA Storytellers podcast. This week I interview a real life, singing Mrs. Santa Claus aka Victoria Erwin, a fantastic Senior Claims Examiner with Keenan & Associates.

(To listen to this podcast, simply find “TOA Storytellers” on your favorite podcast app -- Apple, Android, Spotify -- or visit
Please stay well and be safe,
~ Todd Olivas
P.S. During these past 5 weeks, we've transitioned into doing remote depositions via Zoom and Cisco Webex. A lot! If you'd like to do one -- or learn how easy it is -- just respond on this blog post or call my office (888) 566-0253.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020