Too much technology?

This week one of our reporters lost her cable that connected her writer to her laptop. She had had a morning job and while packing up, it somehow slipped out of her bag. When she arrived at her afternoon job, she discovered the problem and immediately told the attorneys. It's times like these that relying too much on technology can be a detriment. She forgot that the writer can be used in stand-alone mode perfectly fine without hooking up.

Everybody remembers the good old days of writing on steno writers without hooking up to a laptop; right? These days it may seem hard to imagine not doing realtime, but in emergency situations like these, you just have to do it. The client was upset at being told that the depo couldn't go forward even though in reality it probably could have. Ouch!

Just a reminder to all reporters out there. Sometimes things don't work out technologically, but you still have to stay calm and figure out a solution on the spot. And please remember that all modern steno writers have on-board memory that you can pull the transcrip t from later.
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

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