Want To Become A Court Reporter In Arizona?
A new article was posted last week: Court Reporting In Arizona.
I almost forgot to blog about it. It's all about court reporting in Arizona -- its governing body, reciprocity for those certified in other states, Arizona court reporters association, and becoming a court reporter in Arizona.
Here is a snippet:
The state of Arizona recognizes the importance of court reporters in providing a fair and impartial, professional legal system. As such, the state has imposed minimum standards that every court reporter must follow. Here we will detail the process of becoming a court reporter in Arizona.
Read the full article: http://www.toddolivas.com/court_reporting_articles/court-reporting-arizona.asp
We also offer court reporting services in Arizona:
Alpine (Alpine Depo Room)
Bullhead (Bullhead Depo Room)
Casa Grande (Casa Grande Depo Room)
Chandler (Chandler Depo Suites)
Glendale (Glendale Conference Center)
Mesa (Mesa Conference)
Nogales (Nogales Court Reporting Room)
Phoenix (3131 Camelback Court Reporting Suite)
Phoenix (Esplanade Conference Suites)
Phoenix (Paradise Valley Court Reporting Suite)
Phoenix (Phoenix-Delta Crown Conference Room)
Phoenix (24th at Camelback)
Prescott Valley (Prescott Suites)
Scottsdale (Gainey Ranch Center)
Tempe (Tempe Suites)
Tucson (Tucson Suites)
Yuma (Yuma Depo Rooms)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008