Legal Professionals: 4 Reasons You Either Succeed or Fail


I'm always searching to bring you guys some interesting articles, tools and tips. Today I've found an interesting article about the reasons some people succeed at their legal career or fail. (In truth, these principles could be applied to any profession including my own: court reporting.)

According to the article by Chere B. Estrin, Ph.D. which can be read in full here:

Many legal professionals are technical experts in what they do but fail at getting to the top of the field, attaining joyous job satisfaction or just plain having fun at what they do. They fail not because of a weakness in their character but because their professional life was not properly managed. Once a career has emerged or grown to a certain level, management of your career must change or the career will run into trouble. For many legal professionals, this level is between 5-10 years of experience. Sometimes the critical point is higher or lower. However, when it occurs, the legal professional must evolve, morph, or otherwise change from a floater (someone who lets his/her career direct them) to a manager of your career through strategic thinking.
Here are the 4 things which she says are reasons legal professionals succeed or fail:
1) Positive, Committed, Patient, and Persistent work habits and traits.
2) Making Sure to Have a Strategic Career Plan in place .
3) Using an Organized Board of Directors to encourage best efforts .
4) Relying on a Strong Support System.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Todd Olivas

Todd Olivas is a court reporter and entrepreneur.
He founded TO&A in 2003.

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